
This Instagram Account Shows Vaginas Are Literally Everywhere

by Kaylin Pound

As the feminist movement continues to grow, many women are using the Internet as an outlet to challenge stereotypes and enact social change.

Recently, two women from Los Angeles, Eva Sealove and Chelsea Jones, created an Instagram account called Look At This Pussy in an attempt to change the way people view the female anatomy.

Now, before you shield your eyes, you should know these ladies aren't inundating your Instagram feed with actual vag pics.

By posting a variety of pretend vagina pics accompanied by visual puns, these two are hoping to use their Instagram account to lead the way in a vagina "anti-shame" movement.

Jones said,

Normalization is absolutely a focus. The female body is fetishized beyond any kind of reality. By choosing yonic objects, it's a way to seize representation, take back what's ours.

Take a look at the photos below to see some of their girl power Instagram pics.

Move over, Free The Nipple.

Look At This Pussy is the newest Instagram making way in the feminist movement.

As the name suggests, this account is all about putting the vag on a pedestal...

...and giving people a peep of the pink.

Just kidding. It's not actually filled with real pics of private areas.

All of the uploads are just everyday things that look uncannily similar to a snatch.

Eva Sealove and Chelsea Jones are the activists behind this out-of-the-box idea.

They created the account to challenge the stigmas associated with a woman's vagina.

By posting these pics and hilarious puns, these two are sending a powerful message to the world of social media...

...while also making you laugh at how many things around you look surprising similar to vaginas.

By embracing the female anatomy, they hope to remove the widespread sexualization of vaginas...

...and lead the way in a movement working to abolish "vagina shaming."

Jones said, "[They] are militantly anti-shame, and very much about acceptance of one's body...'s not about misandry or hating men, it's just about respecting each other and having fun."

Citations: Look at This Pussy Creators Talk Censorship Feminism (Styleite)