
The Hurtful Words Used During Breakups Are Reimagined As Something Sweet

by Robert Anthony

How exactly do you deal with a breakup?

Whether we've been on the giving or receiving end of a breakup, we've all been there at some point. The words expressing why your relationship is coming to an end are hardly ever sweet -- until now.

In a recent photo series composed by Isabella Giancarlo, we're introduced to EAT YR HEART OUT, an interesting (and tasty) series that reimagines the hurtful words exchanged during a breakup as something sweet -- literally.

Giancarlo, a project manager at a New York-based branding agency, recreates the bittersweet one-liners using pies, cookies, cakes and all sorts of other delicious ingredients.

The end result? Pure pie-fection! Check out the photos below for a closer look.

Oh, and next time you're about to break up with someone, send them one of these.

It doesn't matter if you're the one being broken up with or the one who has to break the bad news...

Isabella Giancarlo

Let's face it: Breakups are never easy!

Isabella Giancarlo

New York-based artist Isabella Giancarlo might have actually found a better way to break up with that "special" someone.

Isabella Giancarlo

Here's a hint: It involves all of these delicious treats you're staring at!

Isabella Giancarlo

The series, titled "Eat Yr Heart Out," takes a sweet approach to a bitter subject.

Isabella Giancarlo

Despite how hard these truths may be to tell, how bad of a person are you if you're handing out delicious cakes as a way to say "it's not me, it's you"?

Isabella Giancarlo

This one might actually hit home, though!

Isabella Giancarlo

Hey, look, you can even make them shareable!

Isabella Giancarlo

Whether you're being compassionate about it...

Isabella Giancarlo

...or just a heartless f*ck...

Isabella Giancarlo can't say you didn't try (there's a pie for that, too)!

Isabella Giancarlo

So, next time you're looking for the best way to break the news, remember, there are a number of ways to say "eat your heart out!"

Isabella Giancarlo

Check out more of Giancarlo's work here!