
These Honest Greeting Cards Make It Easier To Comfort Sick Loved Ones (Photos)

by Robert Anthony

How do you go about comforting your loved ones when they're down?

When Los Angeles-based designer Emily McDowell was 24, she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin's lymphoma.

After beating the cancer, McDowell decided to design a collection of greeting cards she wished she received when she was ill.

Her website, where she explains her reasoning behind designing these cards, reveals,

I created this collection of empathy cards for serious illness because I believe we need some better, more authentic ways to communicate about sickness and suffering.

The fact of the matter is not everyone knows how to comfort someone dealing with a serious illness.

That's where McDowell's "Empathy Cards for Serious Illness" collection comes in handy.

If you plan on sending a card to a friend, you can order them for $4.50 each here.

Check them out below for a closer look!

"One more chemo down!"

"I love you."

"I'm so sorry you're sick."

"I'm here any time you need me."

"I didn't know what to say."

"I'm sorry you're going through this."

"When life gives you lemons..."

Citations: Cancer survivor designs the empathy cards she wished hed received when she was sick (Metro)