
How To Make Your Own Healthy Doughnuts For National Doughnut Day

by Ryan Rodal

National Doughnut Day comes twice a year.

Yes, twice a year, simply due to the fact that doughnuts are amazing.

Whether they're consumed in the morning or late at night after an eventful night out on the town, there is simply no wrong time to consume a doughnut.

The only drawback to these delectable, irresistible treats is one simple thing: Doughnuts are high in calories, fat and carbohydrates.

Or so you would think.

But this doesn't have to be the case. Healthy, tasty doughnuts can be made easily with very few ingredients.

Just follow the recipe below, and you'll be eating before you finish that episode of "Seinfeld."

Ingredients and supplies:

1. Doughnut baking pan (these can be purchased at almost any online retailer for under $10) 2. Cooking spray 3. Old-fashioned oats 4. Protein powder (preferably in the flavor you want your doughnut to resemble) 5. Apple sauce 6. Baking powder 7. One egg

Follow the steps below to make these perfect treats:

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. 2. Grind 75 grams of old-fashioned oats into powder. 3. In a mixing bowl, add the following: the ground oats from step one, one scoop of protein powder (25 grams), one small container of apple sauce (100 grams), 1/4 teaspoon baking powder and one egg. 4. Spray the doughnut baking pan with nonstick cooking spray. 5. Pour the mixture in the pan. 6. Put it in the oven for approximately 10 minutes.

Optional: Top with Greek yogurt.

Just like that, you have amazing tasting doughnuts that are high in protein and low in fat.

Feel free to add any additional toppings, such as chocolate chips, sprinkles or peanut butter.

These healthy doughnuts are so simple to make, your coworkers will be begging you for the recipe.

For a complete tutorial on how to make the doughnuts, check out my YouTube video below:

Enjoy National Doughnut Day with all the taste and none of the guilt.

Just don't tell anyone they're healthy. They don't need to know.