
This Insane Mac N' Cheetos Pizza Combines Three Of Your Favorite Foods

by Robert Anthony

If you use your imagination while making homemade pizza, the possibilities are endless.

One brave soul named JP Lambiase decided to use his imagination to concoct an insane pizza made using mac n' cheese and Cheeto dust. That's right, that sticky orange fuzz on your fingers is food-porn gold.

Lambiase, who writes for his blog appropriately called "Hellthy Junk Food," was home all alone while his girlfriend was at work. Instead of playing video games and binge-watching Netflix, he decided to venture into the kitchen.

If you're an avid reader of JP's food blog, you know that we should all be worried when he's in the kitchen.

Why? Well, simply because we're talking about a guy who isn't afraid to bake a pizza that features loads of Velveeta mac n' cheese, pulled pork and a Cheeto-dusted crust. Now that's what I call using your imagination!

While crafting this cheesy masterpiece fit for Chester Cheetah, JP Lambaise asked,

Does anyone think this is kind of disgusting, but delicious at the same time?

That should help give you a good idea of how disgustingly appetizing this mac n' cheese Cheetos pizza is.

So, what does a pizza containing this much junk do for someone like you? It hand-delivers you 700 calories PER SLICE. Just to help put that into perspective for you, a single Big Mac from McDonald's is about 563 calories... That's the entire burger.

Meanwhile, just a single slice of JP Lambaise's Cheeto-dusted masterpiece is 700 calories. I don't know about you, but I'm seriously thinking this should be illegal.

In addition, the pizza generously offers about 1,400 milligrams of sodium per serving. You're only supposed to consume about 1,500 milligrams on a daily basis. Why am I starting to think this pizza might actually kill you?!

Maybe because, on paper, it sounds like it should.

Check out the video above for a closer look!

Citations: Your Cheeto Addiction Has Now Reached Mac & Cheese And Pizza (Cosmopolitan)