
Company Makes Amazingly Accurate Stuffed Animal Replicas Of Your Pets
by Emily Arata
Your pet is your best friend.
Whether Fluffles the cat is in good health or getting up there in years, you'll want to remember her forever.
Stuffed animal company Cuddle Clones helps owners remember their beloved animals with intricately made toy copies of each pet.
From customized markings to the texture of the fur, Cuddle Clones spends time deciding how best to perfectly recreate the animals before even making the first stitch.
Can you resist the appeal of a stuffed animal that looks exactly like your own furbaby?
Cuddle Clones are almost too cute to believe.
The brand will even take your dog's one floppy ear or missing eye into account.
The process is totally customizable.
You'll also have the option to create a Christmas tree ornament or statue of your pet.
According to the Cuddle Clones website, founder Jennifer Graham began musing on the idea after her Great Dane, Rufus, passed away.
There wasn't a single stuffed animal on store shelves that reminded Graham of Rufus' goofy expression, so she made her own.
She launched the company in 2009.
Keep in mind the process isn't cheap -- and with good reason.
The one-of-a-kind stuffed animals require hours of research and planning.
Prices for Cuddle Clones begin at $129 and vary depending on each pet's size.
But, if you decide to invest, know you'll be helping out a pet less fortunate than your own.
An unspecified portion of each sale goes toward charitable causes.
In the past, those have included local humane societies, Dogs on Deployment and Petfinder.
In short: Your Cuddle Clone could be the reason some other animal finds its forever home.
Here's looking at you, kid.
Citations: Cuddle Clones: Toy doppelgangers help owners remember their beloved pets (The Independent)