18 Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up The Disappointing 'Pretty Little Liars' Finale
Warning: Obviously, this post contains Pretty Little Liars finale spoilers. Proceed at your own risk.
So, Pretty Little Liars is officially over.
(Well, minus that obvious set up for some sort of Pretty Little Liars spinoff, it's officially over.)
After seven years of lies, coded text messages, and a whole lot of drama, it's finally over.
And after the two-hour season finale on Tuesday night, we finally know the identities of A, Uber A, and A.D.
(In case you missed it, it turns out A.D. is apparently Spencer's twin! Her British twin! No, this is not a joke!)
Now that it's over, and we finally have all the answers, how are we feeling, Pretty Little Liars fans?
Hm? What's that? You feel terrible? You hated it? You've never been more disappointed in a season finale in your life? You regret wasting seven years on the show?
Yeah, pretty much same!
Look, I'm not being mean here. A quick look at Twitter tells me the majority reaction to this finale and the A.D. reveal is.... it sucked. Big time.
Let's go to the tweets: