
The Pokémon Porn Parody 'Strokémon' Will Destroy Your Childhood (Video)

by Eitan Levine

Dikachu, GO!

There is a real "Pokémon" porn parody you can watch, and it will really ruin your childhood.

Wood Rocket, a company based around porn parodies and what it describes as “comedy,” put together an NSFW episode of "Pokémon" for you to enjoy at home alone while you cry for the death of everything you loved as a child.

“Strokémon,” a parody I'll give an A- to on name alone, features all of your favorite adult-themed "Pokémon" stars.

You can join Gash, Dikachu and the gang on their quest to become Strokémon masters!

Even the "Pokémon" title sequence song has gotten an NC-17, Weird Al style upgrade. Now, the lyrics say,

I wanna be the very best. I’ve touched soo many balls!

Anyway, to ruin your childhood more, here are 10 Pokémon I hope make it into the full porn parody episode: Penisuar, Squirtler, PidgeottoAroticAsphyxiation, NinetailsOneCup, Dugthreeway, MachokeMe, Fastpokes, Cuebone’d, LickitOHGODlickittounge and Rhydonandonandon.