Melissa McCarthy’s Hilarious Night As ‘SNL’ Host Brings ‘Spicey’ Out Of The Bushes
After we caught Melissa McCarthy gliding through New York City traffic in full-on "Spicey" gear on a motorized podium, we knew we were in for a treat on "SNL."
The hysterical actress brought her A-game as the May 13th host, so much so that Sean Spicer might want to consider hiding out in the White House bushes again.
Aidy Bryant begins the sketch as Sarah Huckabee Sanders — daughter of Mike Huckabee and a "big Southern hamburger" mother —and she is filling in as press secretary.
Sean Spicer had to attend to his "naval" duties and "blend in with his surroundings."
Interesting word choice, but definitely not one that gets by the reporters.
Soon they realize "Spicey" is in fact close by... hiding in the bushes.
That is some naval exercise, huh?
It's when the reporters ask for Sarah to replace Spicer that our out-of-control press secretary returns to the podium, and of course, decides the first order of business is to pick on Glenn Thrush of the New York Times, who wants to discuss President Trump's "unhinged" tweets and the firing of James Comey.
"Shut up Glenn," were Spicer's words to The Times reporter, followed by some gibberish and a middle school insult: "You stink, Glenn."
Ah, the "Spicey" we all know and love.
But what separates this sketch from the others is one simple question from a reporter: "Were you surprised he fired Comey before he fired you?"
That really got the ball rolling, or should we say, the podium moving.
"Spicey" then made his way to New York to find out if the rumors about being fired are true.
If the rumors are true and Trump plans to give Spicer the boot, our press secretary will join the ranks of former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, among others.
It's certainly an interesting time in American politics, and though it does make for some pretty entertaining comedy, it's a bit chaotic (to say the least).
My only hope is that Trump keeps Spicer because I love Melissa McCarthy's impersonation so much and couldn't bear to part ways with it!
Have a look at the clip here.