I Got Lip Fillers Like Kylie Jenner, And Here's What You Need To Know
I like to think of myself as a pretty adventurous person.
In fact, I'm basically willing to try anything that won't kill me.
Plus, I'm always down to be a human guinea pig for the sake of a good story -- whether it's going on a week long taco diet, pretending to be a James Bond agent in the desert or, you know, scoring some Kylie Jenner lips.
Yep, if there's one thing we can learn from Kylie's dramatic transformation, it's a few CCs of lip filler can make one hell of a difference in your overall appearance.
Ever since she debuted her new smile to the world, people have become obsessed with finding a way to copy her pronounced pout.
Kylie's lip kits sell out in a matter of minutes, and let's not forget the insane lengths people went to in order to plump their lips for the #KylieJennerLipChallenge.
I'll admit it: I happen to be one of the many gals guilty of lusting after those full, enhanced lips.
But instead of shelling out a f*ck ton of money for some sold-out lip gloss on eBay or sucking on a shot glass like everyone else on the Internet, I decided to find a longer-lasting solution to my lip envy problems.
That's right. I went under the needle and got Kylie Jenner-style lip fillers.
So let me fill you in on everything you need to know about getting lip fillers like your favorite Jenner.
My obsession with big lips started about a year ago.
I was at brunch, scrolling through Instagram as I pretended to listen to my friends talk about their latest boy problems when a photo caught my eye.
It was Kylie Jenner, but she didn't look like the thin-lipped teen I was used to seeing. Nope, Kylie was sporting a big, seductive pout, and it was at that very moment I came down with a severe case of lip envy.
I mean, don't get me wrong: I've never been insecure about my facial features, and I've always thought my natural pout was perfectly fine. But seeing Kylie's dramatic transformation made me start to think otherwise.
Thanks to Pearlman Aesthetic Surgery I was finally able to get the Kylie Jenner lips I had been lusting after.
My lip adventures all began with a trip to their office on the Upper East Side of New York City.
I walked into a lavish waiting room where I was greeted by a receptionist who handed me a clipboard full of medical forms and asked me to take a seat.
Shortly after, I was called into an exam room where a nurse took before photos of my lips.
Then, Dr. Pearlman educated me about the procedure and walked me through the entire process.
According to Dr. Pearlman, lots of ladies turn to temporary fillers like Juvederm and Restylane to enhance their smiles.
Both Juvederm and Restylane fall into the category of hyaluronic acids, which is basically a soft, sugar gel. These temporary fillers are the safest and most common type of lip augmentation out there.
There are not many risks associated with these fillers. However, the actual injection process can cause things like temporary swelling, bruising and, in some cases, unevenness.
After a brief chat, Dr. Pearlman and I decided Restylane was the best choice to achieve the Kylie Jenner lips of my dreams.
Unlike permanent fillers like silicone, temporary fillers are gradually broken down by the body over time, so treatments can last anywhere from four to nine months depending on the individual and usually range in price from $700 to $950.
As you can probably imagine, sticking needles in your lips can be pretty painful.
Dr. Pearlman numbed the area around my mouth with a few injections of novocaine to ensure I wouldn't feel a thing.
Then, he opened up a syringe of Restylane and began injecting the filler into my lips, using about one CC to get the job done.
Once the fillers were in place, he massaged my lips to smooth everything out and get rid of any potential bumps.
The procedure was pretty quick; it only took about 15 minutes from start to finish.
At the end, he gave me a mirror to inspect the results, handed me an ice pack and began running through a list of things I should and shouldn't do to care for my new lips.
While the actual injections were pretty painless, Dr. Pearlman told me my lips would be swollen, bruised and sore for a couple days afterward. Boy, was he right.
My lips and cheeks were pretty puffy after the procedure.
It basically looked like someone had punched me right in the mouth and felt like it, too. After the novocaine wore off, my lips began to throb and a dull ache crept over the lower half of my face.
I experienced a lot of pain and discomfort over the next two days.
I'm definitely a baby when it comes to tolerating pain (I'm the type of person who will cry over a paper cut), but these things HURT.
Beauty is pain, right?
After the initial swelling subsided, my lips were still pretty pronounced.
Since my lips were already a decent size to start with, my results were a lot more subtle than Kylie's dramatic lip augmentation.
One month later...
...I'm happy to report it was all worth it because I finally have a plump set of lips that still look relatively natural.