Khloé K Clapped Back At A Hater Who Said She Looks Like An "Alien" On Twitter
The mute button is there for a reason.
Another day, another meticulously crafted clapback from Khloé Kardashian. The reality star has been the queen of not taking anyone’s crap lately, and, on June 7, she had the perfect response to one of her many internet trolls. Khloé Kardashian's response to a hater calling her an "alien" was a classic kill-’em-with-kindness move.
While, most times, the KarJenner family can be seen hawking fit tea or their own product lines, Koko recently endorsed Nurtec, a medicine used to treat migraines in adults. When the company tweeted out their latest ad featuring Kardashian, the response was mostly positive. But one mean tweet took aim at her physical appearance, and it caught Kardashian’s eye.
The tweet read: “Does research indicate that the more plastic surgery someone has the more likely they are to suffer from migraines? What kind of pharmaceutical company chooses someone who has had so much plastic surgery they look like an alien, as their spokesperson?”
Not only did Kardashian catch wind of the tweet, but she responded and defended herself.
“Sorry you feel that way,” she wrote. “You have every right to block/mute me. I am trying to help many out there who suffer in silence. [U] R completely entitled to your opinions. Just as I am mine. I don’t think you should refer to yourself as a feminist if you are attacking a woman unprovoked.”
You can see Kardashian’s response below.
Kardashian has continuously come under fire for her seemingly changing facial structure, which fans have chalked up to plastic surgery. However, she hasn’t addressed to what extent her cosmetic procedures have gone. In July 2018, she said a nose job isn’t out of the question, but assured fans she hasn’t gone under the knife just yet. “I’m scared so for now it’s all about the contour,” she said.
Kardashian’s appearance has changed a lot in recent years, but she’s under no obligation to explain to anyone how she achieved her look if she’s happy with herself.