Here's Kendall Jenner Chowing Down On McDonald's Hashbrowns -- Topless
Kendall Jenner may be the luckiest woman in the world. No, not because she has a bajillion dollars and a rockin' bod. She's the luckiest because she has an amazing sister who'll bring her fast food. Duh.
In Vogue's latest behind-the-scenes video, Jenner lives every girl's ultimate dream to eat garbage while still looking hot. Talk about #LifeGoals.
It was one part of an entire day the magazine spent with Jenner, documenting her running around town and generally busting ass for New York Fashion Week. In the clip, she stuffs her face with McDonald's breakfast food sis Kim K hand-delivered, all while wearing nothing but thigh-high boots and a miniskirt.
But that's not all. We also get to see snippets of Jenner and BFF Gigi Hadid putting on a private, hotel room fashion show. It's pretty much a dream come true for pervs and voyeurs, which -- let's face it -- all of us are.
When you're done watching the video of Jenner above, check out the one below to find out if you're the only one who looks at McDonald's fries in a sexual way. Enjoy!
Citations: Watch A Topless Kendall Jenner Chow Down On McDonald's (Huffington Post)