This Detail On The First 'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Poster Will Pump You Up
About a week and a half ago, Liam Cunningham, who plays Ser Davos Seaworth on the HBO hit "Game of Thrones," didn't reveal the exact start date for season seven, but he did narrow it down to just five possible nights.
Speaking with The Independent, the 55-year-old actor said,
I've been disappointing various people around the world because it was meant to come out in April. It's July now, I think.
Cunningham tried to cover up his spoiler, but the damage was already done.
Now, "Game of Thrones" fans have another reason to get hyped for the upcoming seventh season of the HBO hit.
Wednesday night, the first "Game of Thrones" season seven poster started making the rounds on Twitter, and there's one tiny detail in the poster that should get you extra pumped for this July.
You ready? Check it out, "GoT" Nation!
There's plenty to take in here at first glance, so let's start with the obvious.
At the end of season six, winter had finally come to Westeros, which is why the majority of this season seven poster is ice.
Yeah, we know what's coming with winter, which is why everyone from Winterfell to King's Landing should be getting their collective shit together.
Now, let's take a look at the more subtle detail on the first "Game of Thrones" season seven poster.
If you look closely, at the bottom of the poster, you'll notice what appears to be flames intertwined with the ice.
You may not think much of this, but we know Daenerys Targaryen is fire, and Jon Snow is ice.
Hell, George RR Martin's book is titled "A Song of Ice and Fire."
So, what is this poster really telling us?
Well, in my opinion, I believe HBO is trying to foreshadow just how closely Dany and Jon will be heavily involved in each other's lives/fates in the final two seasons of "Game of Thrones."
After all we learned in season six, doesn't it make more than a little sense these two are on a collision course with one another?
The two most badass characters in the realm are definitely meeting up sooner or later.
Plus, let's not forget about this alleged photo leak from the set of filming for season seven of "GoT."
Is it July yet?
Citations: The first 'Game of Thrones' Season 7 poster is here and it's pretty badass (Mashable)