
'Star Wars' Superfan Has An Epic Funeral Send-Off From Stormtroopers

by Adam Pliskin

A Welsh man named Gordon Deacon died last month at the age of 58 from cancer. Deacon was a massive "Star Wars" fan.

Thus, his family decided to add some special "Star Wars" flourishes to his funeral, which was held in Cardiff today.

There were six Stormtroopers and a horse and carriage at his funeral. Guests were told not to wear black.

They could dress up as characters from "Star Wars," however, or wear some other color than black. That meant no one could dress as Darth Vader.

His widow, Marilyn, said,

We used to go to shows and he had a signed photograph of bounty hunter Boba Fett on the wall. He had 'Star Wars' lightsabers, figurines, cookie jars, the lot. My husband didn't want people to wear black, his wish was to have a different funeral. People can either wear 'Star Wars' costumes, but not Darth Vader. I think he would be over the moon about the theme of his funeral.

I think it's safe to say the Force was strong with Gordon Deacon.

We hope he's up there somewhere looking down on us as a Force ghost.

Here's what the funeral looked like:

Citations: Stormtroopers Join Star Wars Superfans Funeral Procession (BuzzFeed)