Jennifer Lawrence Says If She Wasn't An Actress She'd Be A Stripper
If Jennifer Lawrence wasn't owning the big screen in Hollywood, she'd be center stage at strip clubs rocking the poles.
Don't make that face! I'm not trying to throw shade... Jennifer said it herself.
In a 128-second interview with Vanity Fair, the 26-year-old actress was asked bizarre questions about her life. When she was asked what she'd do if she wasn't an actress, she said she's be a stripper.
And now, I love her even more than I did before.
She didn't make the sultry confession right away, though.
After being asked about her alternative career, she prefaced her answer by saying, "Uh, lying in a ditch."
Ha, she was obviously kidding. Lawrence continued with some giggles and unapologetically said "stripping."
Are we surprised? No way! Jennifer Lawrence is the coolest chick in Hollywood with more self-esteem in her pinky finger than I'll ever have in my entire body.
Of course she'd want to be a stripper.
Flaunt it, Katniss! (That'd be a rad stripper name, don't you think?)
You can watch the entire video questionnaire below. FYI, you're about to learn a few things about J Law that might blow your mind.
During the fast-paced interview, she made a few bizarre confessions that stood out to me in particular.
For starters, I didn't know Lawrence preferred chunky peanut butter over creamy. That says a lot about a person, right?
She also admitted her favorite guilty pleasure is letting her dog chew bones in bed, and her biggest irrational fear is one day having to take Zika-prevention medicine that'll make people's "private parts feel like wet sponges."
OOOKKKKKK, Jen. Thanks for instilling that fear in my mind, too.
If you wish to read even more about Lawrence (who doesn't?), be sure to check her cover story in the 2016 Vanity Fair holiday issue.
After that interview, I feel pretty compelled to pick up a copy or two.
Citations: Cover Story: Jennifer Lawrence, Star without a Script (Vanity Fair)