Jennifer Lawrence Gets Real About Dating Darren Aronofsky: "I Had Energy For Him"
Everyone loves when celebrities open up about their love lives. They don't do it very often, but when they do, it's usually pure, journalistic gold. That's why Jennifer Lawrence continues to be our number one lady. The superstar and powerhouse actor discussed her relationship with director Darren Aronofsky in Vogue, and let's just say things seems pretty damn solid. Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky's relationship is maybe... just maybe, our new #couplegoals couple. You know, since Chris Pratt and Anna Faris split up, we've been on the prowl for the next best thing. Could it be them? Fingers crossed.
Lawrence and Aronofsky started dating in September of 2016 shortly after wrapping the film, Mother!. Aronofsky directed the film and Lawrence starred in it. It's the classic tale of actor and director falling in love, you guys. I love it. Despite the pair's 22-year age gap, (Aronofsky is 48, and Lawrence is 26) they appear to be pretty happy. In fact, when Lawrence first met Aronofsky, she told Vogue, "We had energy." And energy does not lie.
Lawrence gushed about acclaimed director Aronofsky also mentioning,
For the past year, I've been dealing with him as just a human. I've been in relationships before where I am just confused. And I'm never confused with him.
Because of her unabashed honesty and commitment to equal pay in the film industry, Lawrence has been placed on the front lines of the media. She wrote a very opinionated piece about unequal treatment and pay in the entertainment industry in Lena Dunham's online news letter, Lenny, and it immediately went viral. She's a total badass.
Lawrence is everything we need in a woman. She's beautiful, bold, outspoken, and completely unafraid of just about everything. She's also super funny. Her final comment about Aronofsky was just soo J. Law.
I normally don't like Harvard people, because they can't go two minutes without mentioning that they went to Harvard. He's not like that.
J. Law, you da best.