Here's What Jason Street From 'Friday Night Lights' Looks Like Now
Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.
The Dillon Panthers high school football team held a special place in my heart while “Friday Night Lights” aired -- most especially Tim Riggins, if we're being totally honest here.
Really though, was there any other show on TV that truly compared to "FNL?"
Coach Eric Taylor and his wife Tami Taylor, who constantly defined ~couple goals~, had an epic reunion at the Emmys last night.
This iconic TV couple was strong AF, and seeing them back together again evoked SO many nostalgic vibes.
Connie Britton captioned the photo, “Reunited.”
This Instagram brought up major feels, and I started to think about what the rest of the “Friday Night Lights” cast is up to today.
One of Dillon's favorites, Jason Street came to mind.
Let me just casually drop in here he's still hot AF.
Here's what Jason Street, AKA actor Scott Porter, looks like now.
It seems Street's still pretty close to his “Friday Night Lights” crew. He recently chilled with costar and former TV girlfriend Lyla Garrity.
OH SNAP look who we have here! It's Matt Saracen and Luke Cafferty.
Turns out Jason Street's a hardcore Broncos fan.
And he's really all about his family on Instagram. The Porter squad seems to always look super swag and styling.
He has an adorable munchkin baby boy named McCoy Lee Porter. The duo's enjoying some quality bro time.
Just look at this little dude and try not to smile. It's impossible.
Are the Porters #CoupleGoals or what?!
Jason Street's the raddest and proudest dad around town.
He even created his own hashtags for his kid, #BabyBoyMcCoy and #BigBoyMcCoy.
*Hopes for a full-cast "Friday Night Lights" reunion soon.*