Emilia Clarke Dyed Her Hair Just Like Khaleesi So Now She Really Is The Mother Of Dragons
I don't know about you guys, but I've been going through some serious Game of Thrones withdrawal ever since that Earth-shattering season finale, and knowing that we won't have a new episode until 2019 only adds to my pain. But I'm apparently not alone in my nostalgic state, given that Emilia Clarke — aka Daenerys Targaryen herself — finally #committedtotherole and dyed her previously dark brown hair platinum blonde in order to look just like her beloved Dany. She actually did it, guys! Daenerys Targaryen dyed her hair to look exactly like Daenerys Targaryen. Her nephew, Jon, must be so proud. (Too soon? Too bad.) The fan favorite Game of Thrones actor posted a selfie on Instagram on Tuesday, Sept. 19, showing off her new locks and color. She looks like she's fangirling over her own fandom, and I am here for it. In case you were wondering how Khaleesi is doing post-Game of Thrones Season 6, this photo of Emilia Clarke's hair proves she misses the show just as much as we do.
Seriously, have you ever seen someone with such a pure look of joy and also fear on their face? This was all of us during that Jon and Dany sex scene.
Clarke captioned the post,
AAAAHHHHHHH SHHHHIIIII****** I done did it. Mother of dragons meet Emilia. Emilia meet mother of dragons. If you squint just so you might never know. All hail to the magnificence of @kevalexanderhair and @candicebanks74 the genius creators of 'KHALEESI WIG' (and not forgetting all the hair on game of thrones for 8 glorious years) for at long last making this magical moment a reality. #khaleesikicksoff #gameofthrones #cominghomeneverfeltsogood
Do you hear that? That's the sound of my knee bending to this look. You are killin' the hair game right now, Khaleesi. But now the question is, will she grow her hair out as long as Dany so she doesn't have to wear the Daenerys Targaryen wig while filming the final season of Game of Thrones? Me thinks not, 'cause that wig is fab and I would hate for all of us to part ways with it. But it gives me an inordinate amount of joy to know that Clarke will have her own platinum blonde hair under her platinum blonde wig. That is, if she keeps her hair like this until 2019...
Wait, do you think Emilia Clarke is planning on being Daenerys Targaryen for Halloween this year?! Is that why she's doing this?! Even if this isn't true, I have chosen to believe this is true. That'd be some straight-up Inception magic. Clarke's post already has more than 1 million likes, so safe to say the internet is a fan of this look.
Previously, Clarke's hair color was a dark brown and she often kept her hair cut shorter than Dany's wig on the show.
Clarke has had blonde highlights before, but she's never gone full platinum blonde until now.
Apparently, a lot of Game of Thrones fans have no idea that Clarke wears a wig on the show.
In an interview with InStyle, Clarke said she has met fans who were disappointed to learn her hair wasn't as blonde as the Mother of Dragons'. She said,
I feel bad when I meet people and they realize I'm Khaleesi, and they get disappointed because we look nothing alike. I'm like, 'Sorry, that ain't really me! It's a wig.' No human is that beautiful.
She continued,
Young people get this warped view of what beauty is because of the time, money, and effort that go into productions to make people look great. Yes, we need to watch these stories and be inspired, but it's important not to compare yourself. Because it's entirely make-believe.
Well, if they don't know, now they know.