Sexual Painting Of Drake Going Down On You Will Make You Feel Some Type Of Way
Off the top of my head, I can name three movies right off the bat, spanning multiple genres, in which a man receives oral sex: "Scary Movie" for comedy, "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" for terrifying drama and "Thinner" for horror.
Can I do the same for oral sex on a female?
I can name one, but only because of the outrage Ryan Gosling expressed when "Blue Valentine" received an NC-17 rating for depicting cunningligous.
"Hey Girl"
Beyond that, I go pretty blank -- I'd have to do some research.
I mean, what can you expect? This is how pop culture is run -- misogyny rules.
It's somehow OK to depict women as a sex object, but it's crass to portray them as a person who enjoys sex. In fact, that will earn you an R or NC-17 rating.
"Best I Ever Had"
Oh, hey there, Drake!
Brooklyn-based artist Alexandra Rubinstein is hoping to change that narrative with her series titled "A Dream Come True." The 28-year-old was born in Ekaterinburg, Russia and has been living in America since she was 8.
She's inspired by her own journey of finding her identity as a woman, and she's hoping her sexual paintings will make people question just why we think cunningligous, and women's sexuality as a whole, is such a taboo.
"Is It Too Late Now?"
Rubinstein told Cosmopolitan,
[This series] was a response to the lack of heterosexual female perspective in representation of sexuality in mainstream media and pornography... which reiterates to the viewer that sex is about men and their pleasure. It's not! I wanted to explore fantasy from women's point of view, which usually includes Jon Hamm and cunnilingus. At least for me.
"Breakfast Hamm"
"Eat It Like Beckham"
"28 Hours"
"What's Gilbert Grape Eating?"
You can buy copies of Alexandra Rubinstein's prints here.
Citations: This NSFW Portrait Series Imagines All Your Favorite Celebs Going Down on You (Cosmopolitan)