
Couple Seemed To Have No Idea Who Leo DiCaprio Was When He Helped Them
You know when you get lost, stumble across Leonardo DiCaprio and ask him for directions?
No, NEITHER DO WE. An elderly couple wandering around New York City had the honor — nay, privilege — of meeting the movie great and actually talking to him without being tackled by security.
Only problem is, it looks like they had no idea who DiCaprio was (which, to be fair, he probably loved).
The picture, taken on Friday by the Hudson River, is as sweet as it is hilarious.
A witness told People,
He was walking along with a friend and his dog, just strolling and right before sunset and an old couple was looking around and he walked up to them. It looked like they needed help. Then he pulled out his phone and showed them something on his phone. Then he reached out and pointed them in the direction to go and they went on their way.
*Gets lost in New York in hope of being guided to safety by Leo*