Chrissy Teigen Gets Real About Stretch Marks In Close-Up Pic Of Legs Post-Baby
Well, it's official: Chrissy Teigen is still the coolest person on Earth.
Back in August, the Sports Illustrated model took to Snapchat to share a video of a close-up look at her stretch marks after giving birth to her baby daughter, Luna.
So. Freaken. Real.
To caption the above video, Teigen wrote,
lol my thighs have tributaries.
Wednesday night, Chrissy Teigen was at it again. This time, she took to Twitter to show off a new close-up picture of the stretch marks on her legs after giving birth.
To caption the above photo, Teigen wrote,
I mean, does it get more real than this?
The 31-year-old super model clearly isn't fazed by much, including the natural changes her body has gone through and continue to go through since giving birth to baby Luna.
I hate you, John Legend. Wait, no I don't; I'm just extremely jealous of y'all's relationship.
Anyway, back to Chrissy Teigen's tweet. Naturally, the SI model's followers went nuts for her very personal post.
In less than 12 hours, Teigen was retweeted roughly 8,000 times, and she received almost 67,000 likes.
In response to Chrissy's picture, one fan tweeted a message of thanks for the model's realness.
The above tweet reads,
you're real as fuck. thanks for reminding everyone that not everyone is 100% flawless (even tho you are and stuff).
Another of Teigen's followers tweeted about how she hated her own body because she didn't see any representations in the media of women with stretch marks.
This Chrissy Teigen fan wrote,
thank u so much for this omg i grew up hating my body bc of my stretch marks nd had no representation of women w visible stretch marks.
Back in 2015, Chrissy Teigen posted another un-touched close-up photo of her legs, only this time she showed off bruises instead of stretch marks.
To caption the above photo, the 31-year-old wrote,
Bruises from bumping kitchen drawer handles for a week. Stretchies say hi!
Ugh, I love you, Chrissy Teigen.
Citations: 'You're real as f**k': Chrissy Teigen is praised by fans after posting snap of stretch marks on her upper thighs (Daily Mail), christine teigen (Twitter)