This New Detail About The Children Of The Forest In 'GOT' Could Mean Big Things
This post contains spoilers from Game Of Thrones Season 7, Episode 4. Jon Snow is obsessed with the Night King. According to him, we would be too... if we'd seen the Army of the Dead and looked the Night King in the eye as those who had fallen in battle rose and joined his ranks. While Dany may have given him permission to mine dragonglass, she doesn't yet believe. That's not good enough for Jon, which is why he takes her down to the caves to show her cave paintings in Dragonstone, detailing the battle of the first Long Night.
It's a testament to Dany's disinterest in anything that isn't conquering Westeros that she's so shocked when she first enters the caves under Dragonstone Castle. One would think she might have done a little more exploring of the home she never knew, especially since she's been listening to Tyrion and staying home instead of riding her dragons into battle and burning the Lannisters to the ground.
But no, she's shocked at the beauty of the place. She also apparently had no idea how much dragonglass there was housed under there when she agreed to this.
(Not to mention the drawings he also wants to show her.)
(Wait, is there no Historic Structures Advisory Board of Westeros to speak up about the proper care of found relics on a construction site? Last I checked there need to be hearing and the HSAB has to weigh in with findings, and easements and deeds need to be written up before permits are issued....)
Since Dany is apparently allowing Jon Snow to mine her dragonglass without permits, or notifying the HSAB, let's look at a few screengrabs of what was found under the castle before it's all demolished.
The top looks to be Children of the Forest writing, a language we haven't been privy to before. Perhaps it's the cosmos?
But that swirl pattern on the bottom should be very familiar to everyone. We've seen that several times throughout the show, most notably, in the scene last year when Leaf made the first White Walker.
Much of the images are swirls and look for all the world like star patterns and constellations. I was hoping for a few images that might show the arrival of the First Men across the Dornish land-bridge as Easter Eggs, but perhaps that was deemed too off-message.
For the record, part of why the Children would have been down here mining the dragonglass was because back in the Age of Heroes they would give a bag of a hundred dragonglass weapons to the Night's Watch every year after the Wall was built.
These are the Children and the First Men teaming up. Notice the swirl is below the feet of the First Men, perhaps indicating that the White Walkers were made from men?
This is the money shot, of course. Note that the Night King looks almost exactly as he does now, suggesting that there has only ever been one Night King, even if he was defeated by Azor Ahai back the first time? Is he immortal, since he has dragonglass embedded in his heart? WIll Dany's dragons be able to defeat him completely this time?
Or will this be one of those cyclical fights that even as our forces of men win over the Army of the Dead, we know that all this has happened before and all this will happen again?