
Tinder Is Now Available On Your Desktop Because Even Flip Phone Users Deserve Love

by Candice Jalili

Let's say you've been trying to get your online dating mack on, but your phone doesn't have enough storage space to let you download Tinder.

OR MAYBE, you do have the storage space, but you have an iPhone 4 with a Sprint plan, and by the time the app actually loads, all of your potential matches are married with kids. Or perhaps you're missing out on some online dating fun because you still have a flip phone!

Oooh! Maybe you're a douchelord trying to cheat on your GF, but you can't have her seeing the app on your phone.

Well, whatever the case may be, Tinder is officially giving you no excuse to skip out on their services with Tinder Online, a desktop version of the dating app.

The website looks slightly different from the app, but it works the same way. All you have to do is log in with your Facebook account and swipe left or right on potential matches.

Yep, using Tinder is more accessible than it's ever been.


While the website and app are very similar in how you use them, Tinder Online has one cool feature that makes messaging matches even easier.

You know when you're trying to think of something personal to say to your match, and you get annoyed having to go back and forth between their profile and messaging screen? Well, consider that a problem for the lowly peasants still using Tinder on their phones because on the desktop version, your match's profile is displayed on the screen as you chat with them.

Here's a demo of how Tinder Online works:

Don't you wish you had this back in college? It would have come in handy during those boring lectures, where you wasted way too much money online shopping while the professor ranted about dinosaurs.

Plus, not everyone has a smartphone that allows them to access the app easily, so this is really a big step to make Tinder "more accessible to the global community."

And for those with limited access to Facebook, Tinder is also working on creating an SMS version of the dating app.


So everyone has a chance to find love now.

If you live in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Philippines or Sweden, YOU'RE IN LUCK. Tinder Online is currently being tested in your country. As for other countries (including the US), we can only assume Tinder will be coming to our desktops shortly.

All right, now get swiping, you guys.

Citations: Tinder announces web version so you can swipe on your computer (The Verge), Introducing Tinder Online – Swipe Anywhere (Tinder)