
Guys Reveal How They Can Tell You're Faking Your Orgasm In Bed

by Candice Jalili

Every woman who's ever had sex is familiar with the art of "faking it" ("it" being an orgasm). If you say you haven't, I'm going to go ahead and say you're a liar.

Of course, you should always feel empowered to ask for what you want in bed to make sure you orgasm. BUT, that doesn't always happen. Honestly, I don't think there's a whole lot of shame in faking an orgasm every once in a while if you feel like you want to (NOT ALL THE TIME, THOUGH).

But ladies, men aren't quite as dumb as we'd like to think they are. In fact, lots of them are onto us when it comes to the whole "faking an orgasm" thing.

Here, men on Reddit admit how they know you're orgasm-ing for real and, as a result, how they can tell when you're faking it.

When you don't push him off you

When you don't have contractions in your pelvis


When your thighs aren't blushing

When your toes remain cool, calm, and collected

When you don't get goosebumps

When you're not twitching... down there

When your chest stays the same color

When your kegel muscles stay loosey-goosey

When your body stays chill


Now, faking it every once in a while is really NBD. But it's also absolutely worth it to stop with the faking and just be honest with your partner about when it's not happening and what you need to make it happen.

That way, he's more in tune with what you like, and you don't have to worry about putting on this exhausting show that he's realistically not even buying into.

Bottom line: You deserve to orgasm, so tell your partner what you need to make that happen.