What It Means If Your GF Has A Sex Dream About A Guy Her Parents Wish She Dated
by Candice Jalili
This week, we have Allan* whose girlfriend had a dream about getting with the guy her parents want her to be with:
It was my girlfriend's dream. She said she was jet skiing, and she suddenly ended up in this beach house with her family friend. It was just both of them, and they started doing 'something' that made her feel so guilty, she woke up and had to tell me.
What does that mean if it's a family friend? The parents of the family friend want them to be together, but she doesn't like him.
The parents of the family friend want them to be together, but she doesn't like him.
I'm just curious what this could mean that she had a dream of him like that? She's confused why it was him in the dream, too.
Here's Lauri's interpretation:
The people our subconscious casts to appear in our dreams can often be head-scratchers, but I assure you, there is always a very good reason for it. And the reason for this particular choice might surprise you. Your girlfriend has made it clear she is not interested in this guy, so don't worry. The dream is not a reflection of an underlying desire to be with him. But there is SOMETHING about him or about what he represents that she does desire.
Your girlfriend has made it clear she is not interested in this guy, so don't worry.
It could simply be parental approval that she desires, and he is merely a symbol for that. But she should also ask herself what stands out about this guy.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when she thinks of him? How would she describe him or his personality? Does he have a cool job? Is he super easy going? That could be what the beach house and the jet skis represent.
Whatever comes to mind, THAT is most likely what it is she desires... not him. So fear not. That being said, you two should continue sharing your dreams with each other every morning. It's a fun way to start the day — trying to figure out each other's dreams — and an excellent way to stay plugged in to each other as well.
You two should continue share your dreams with each other every morning.
Poor Allan. I get it! I'm right there with him.
If my boyfriend woke me up to tell me he had some steamy dream about another girl that his parents liked more than they liked me, I would be bugging out, too!
Luckily, Lauri says it's really not too big of a deal.
And the fact that she was able to share the dream with him means that their relationship is already pretty solid!
Keep doing what you're doing, homies.
*Names have been changed.