People Are Tweeting Pick-Up Lines That'd Work On Them And Their Standards Are So Low
People on Twitter are having a blast and a half responding to #PickMeUpIn4Words with their ideal pickup lines.
I gave it a quick scroll through and, you guys, what I found was ALARMING.
I get that the hook-up culture sucks and it's really forced us to lower the bar a bit in terms of what we expect from the people we're hooking up with. But, based on these tweets, I think that bar is lower than I ever expected.
Seriously, if you're having trouble picking people up when you're out on the town, something is very wrong with you because people can be picked up with literally ANYTHING. Especially free tacos.
Read along and mourn for our standards, which seem to have died. RIP.
You don't even have a specific order? Anything from Taco Bell will do?!
But what if he plays on a high school JV team?
I mean, I love the Cheesecake Factory, but COME ON.
Aside from the fact that this sounds SO rapey, really? Describe your dream girl in two words and you go with "drunk" and "easy"?
Does she even have to have bacon? Or does she just have to say the magic word?
Just food. Any cuisine will do.
Things must get super awk between this chick and her dealer.
My dad gives me both these things for free... IS HE TRYING TO PICK ME UP?
So... the most standard pick-up line of all time.
But... what if she's being sarcastic when she says that?!
As opposed to somewhere disgusting. Yes. Good call.
People REALLY love tacos.
This person doesn't even need you to buy them fresh. You just have to have them on deck.
Basically, be a barista.
How bout dah?
ANYTHING from Mickey D's will do.
Who said romance is dead?
If that didn't destroy your faith in humanity, I'm really not sure what will.