10 Things To Keep In Mind When Falling For A Pisces Man Or Woman
It's not easy loving a Pisces.
Members of this sign can be a bit wishy-washy and emotionally driven, and they're constantly living in a dream-like state.
As a Pisces, I know all of my partners have had to, in one way or another, adjust and adapt to my ways.
What can I say? It's difficult when you are naturally drawn to just going with the flow.
If you are in a relationship or looking to pursue a relationship with a Pisces, here are 10 things to keep in mind:
1. They seek true love.
Pisces need to feel loved, though they won't always explicitly state it. Being with a Pisces is more than just sharing a bed or a home together; they seek a deep spiritual connection.
This could be due to our dreamy state, but Pisces want to believe true love can exist between two people.
2. They are devoted.
Of all the signs in the zodiac, Pisces are the most romantic and caring. They display their affection with beautifully romantic and elegant gestures, further demonstrating their creativity and devotion to their partners. Pisces let their hearts speak and rule over them.
3. They are intuitive.
Pisces always listen to their guts. They can sense when something is wrong or off.
If you are having a bad day, or maybe stayed out too late and don't want to get in trouble with your partner, don't try to lie to Pisces. They will call you on it.
4. The are passionate.
The sexuality of Pisces is very romantic and mystical. One of the biggest turn offs for a Pisces is crude behavior, as they prefer sweetness and passion.
Sex with a Pisces is intimate, passionate and mind-blowing. Pisces will always give!
5. They are deep.
Communicating with a Pisces can be difficult sometimes, as their thoughts can go down elaborate paths. Understanding and communicating with them requires you to follow their winding road of thoughts.
6. They are giving.
Pisces are notorious for their indecisiveness. When dating a Pisces, it has to be remembered they are givers, they'll sacrifice and they are all about the flow.
Feel like watching a chick flick, but your Pisces wants action and gore? He'll sit through and watch your movie without a peep because he is with you, and you are happy!
7. They need alone time.
Sometimes, when the tough get going, a Pisces will become a recluse and avoid everyone and anyone. Because of their high emotions, Pisces can become overwhelmed. They will need to escape, and this may come in the form of drugs, alcohol and thrill-seeking bad habits.
It's important to show your support and be there for them when they are ready to come out of hiding. Like fish, they can startle easily and hide even longer.
8. They value simplicity.
Pisces enjoy simple pleasures. Yes, they enjoy the being with their friends, but they aren't really a fan of large crowds.
When it comes to dates, Pisces would rather have a simple dinner than a crowded, elbow-to-elbow restaurant. That isn't to say they wouldn't mind these things on occasion, but balance is key.
9. They are dreamers.
Though Pisces love living in their dream worlds, the last thing they would want for you to do is pop their bubbles and ruin their illusions.
Though you may think it's time for them to come back down to Earth, popping their bubbles is essentially shutting down who they truly are. Pisces can live and handle the two realities with ease, and it often contributes to their creativity and inspiration.
10. They're loyal.
Pisces are not usually the ones to leave relationships.
Like the element of water of which they are a part of, they adapt to the container of life and the relationships they find themselves in.
Loving a Pisces can be hard at times, but know you will have their love forever. Their happiness will always be tied to making sure you are happy.