
8 Grooms Admit What They Thought About Their Brides-To-Be On The First Date

by Jen Glantz

Everyone knows first dates are awkward. Well, maybe not everyone. Maybe it's just me. But no matter how many first dates I go on (I went on 14 in February alone), I can't help but leave and wonder what the heck the guy thought of me.

Will I ever hear from him again? Did he get the hint that I hope I never hear from him again? Did he notice my face flush red when he told me I looked pretty? Did he see me fumble with my wallet when the bill came?

There's truly no way to tell what kind of first impression you make on date one, unless you end up in a relationship with that person or married to him or her.

Read on to hear what eight grooms thought about their bride-to-be on the very first date.

1. She ate with her fingers.

No joke, I take this girl to a fancy steakhouse for our first date because she was a family friend's daughter, and she picks things out of her salad with her fingers. I know that sounds nasty, but I found it cute. She wasn't totally put together and formal; she was kind of a mess. Something about that moment made me like her even more on date one. It took the date from being uptight and serious to a night where we both laughed and acted like our true selves.

— Matt, 27

2. I laughed when she talked sports.

I could tell she was trying to impress me because she made all these college football references. But they were all wrong. She talked about a player and said he was on FSU's team, but he wasn't. Not even close. He was the quarterback for USC's team. I didn't have the balls to correct her, but I laughed a little. I figured this girl wasn't a true sports fanatic, but she made an effort and I loved that.

— Chase, 29

3. She was the ultimate wifey material from date one.

She just had this vibe about her that made her seem like she had her life together. I was used to dating girls who didn't have serious jobs and just wanted to get married so they could stay at home and chill. I wanted to settle down with someone who had a life of her own and a career. She had just gotten a promotion at work and was talking about how she was planning a solo trip to Thailand. Her independence was sexy. But, I did end up crashing her solo trip to Thailand because I wanted to go, too.

— Henry, 30

4. I didn't think she was interested.

I'll never forget that on our first date, she kept checking her phone and her watch. She even asked if we could get the check once our plates were cleared. She wanted out, or so it seemed. I didn't think for a second she wanted a second date. But, I was wrong because now we're getting married. It turns out she was just really tired and wanted an early night that night.

— Markus, 29

5. What she ordered was a curveball.

We went to a burger place, and she ordered a burger. I don't want to sound like a dick, but most girls on date one would order something easy to eat like a house salad. She got the same burger I did and even ate all her fries. She was awesome, and I couldn't wait to see her again. We ended up getting engaged only 11 months after that first burger date.

— Nate, 27

6. I didn't see this going anywhere.

In the first five minutes, she told me she wasn't looking for anything serious. I was unsure why she said that. It wasn't like I asked her to marry me on the spot. Later on, she said she wasn't really ready to date then because she just got out of a long relationship. Clearly, she didn't keep true to that promise because five dates later, we were officially dating, and two years later, we were engaged.

— Chris, 31

7. I told her she was my future wife.

I never use cheesy pick-up lines, but three hours into our first date together, I turned to her and said, 'I'm going to marry you one day.' She rolled her eyes and laughed. Then she forgot that I said that, which I'm thankful for. Any other girl would have been freaked out by that forward comment and probably would have never talked to me again. But not this girl. She said yes to marrying me a few years later.

— Ben, 28

8. She was a 10.

My wife showed up to our first date looking perfect. Seriously, she was so hot. She is still hot and I love her a lot, but I'll never forget how amazing she looked. We met on an online dating site, and she was way better looking in person than in her pictures. She was stunning then and stunning now.

— Thomas, 32