You May Have Been Hurt And Find It Difficult To Trust But You Will Find Someone Worthy Of It
He must have hurt you really badly. I can imagine that things were incredibly painful, as you now fear the world and are blinded to love when it presents itself in its purest form. Maybe it was a guy or two who caused it or it was growing up amidst a troubling family affair.
Whatever reason you have for feeling unable to trust, know that it's valid and perfectly reasonable.
Heartache can leave a traumatizing mark that's difficult to forget and can feel nearly impossible to overcome. When you find yourself in a situation that is the slightest bit familiar to how the hurtful past unraveled, it can feel nerve-racking and emotionally chaotic.
That identifiable jolt of surprise you feel when you glance over at his phone or that anger you feel when you ask a question or two brings you back to that moment when you first realized that no man can or should ever be trusted.
Despite how he rationalizes his actions, you have already expected an outcome that justifies your suspicion and negates anything that could disprove your theory.
The situation isn't what you thought it to be. Your mind drags on, clinging to the idea that you're bound to get hurt, that he's doing something behind your back, that you're replaceable and that there's someone else.
Well, to every girl who finds it difficult to trust, give your partner the chance to be different.
It's not a simple task and it definitely won't be easy, but you must take it upon yourself to trust that your present situation won't work out the same way as things did before.
When everything brings you fear, learn to live in fear. Distrust becomes your comfort zone and infidelity your truth. Watch out for possible signs to tell yourself that you're right about this one — that you're right not to trust him. Wait for him to make a mistake before you have any reason to stay in the comforts of doubt.
People will tell you that it's not fair to pass the mistakes of another guy onto him. They’ll say that it's not fair for him to be surrounded by doubt when he's given nothing short of his best to make you feel loved and secure.
This advice is all true, but the most unjust thing you could do is let yourself suffer again for the mistakes of the man who broke your heart.
A relationship without trust is like an ice cream sundae without a cherry on top... it doesn't feel complete. It can't blossom into a beautiful connection if you believe he's screwing up what both of you have.
When you completely trust the person you're with, the foundation of the relationship will get stronger.
You’ll feel confident that when faced with a compromising situation, he won't do anything to jeopardize the sanctity of what you value the most. He'll appreciate you for believing the good in him.
When you stop fearing the what-ifs of tomorrow and focus on the good things that come today, you’ll realize that the worries that you’ve focused on for so long are ghosts you've created that have hindered you from experiencing true happiness.
Trusting someone is a choice you have to make for yourself.
When you trust him, he'll prove to you that he's worthy of it. His actions will show you that there was nothing to fear.
But, if in the end he disappoints you and hurts you, just move forward and continue to go through life with optimism about what genuine love and trust can bring. Because trust me, it's beautiful.
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