8 Stages Of Crying In Front Of Your Boyfriend For The First Time
Relationships are tough. You open yourself up to someone, which means opening yourself up to the possibility of getting hurt. You're basically vulnerable AF, and my friends, once you've become vulnerable, there's no turning back. Well, for a while, anyway.
And what comes with being vulnerable? Crying.
You know, that moment when you get into your first fight because bae is being UNREASONABLE, and the only thing you can do is cry.
Maybe that's why I tend to avoid relationships altogether; I'm a crier, people, and if I had a boyfriend I'd be throwing hissyfits left and right. I haven't been in a relationship in a while, but I do remember feeling like I had to hide parts of my crazy so as to not scare my poor ex away (which I eventually did).
Let's take a look at all the stages of crying in front of your SO for the first time, as told by the cry-heavy champs of the Rio Olympics. Because, wow, these athletes' waterworks shows (albeit, they've shed tears for different reasons) have been solid gold.