Women's Rights Campaign Uses Porn Parody Video To Promote Consent
Sexual assault and rape on college campuses are, unfortunately, too common. A whopping one in five college girls is reportedly a victim of some sort of unwanted sexual contact.
Women’s rights group UltraViolet launched a new campaign to spread among universities to hopefully lessen the instances of abuse.
The campaign video took an old-school porn approach, illustrating sexy, intimate situations to teach partners how to reach consent before sex. The goal is to shift the focus from the “no means no” approach to rape prevention to “only yes means yes.”
This comes after California enacted the country’s first law requiring colleges to teach students about affirmative consent in sexual relationships.
It’s a bold approach, but fits in well with UltraViolet’s newly launched website, EndCampusRape.com, which focuses exclusively on affirmative consent.
Check out “Consent is Sexy” video above.
H/T: Huffington Post