'Normal Barbie' Is The Real MVP For Challenging Beauty Standards (Video)
Inspired by the positive feedback he's received for his “normal girl” Lammily doll, creator Nickolay Lamm set out to further challenge unrealistic beauty standards in a video titled #DoYou.
The video follows Lammily, an aspiring DJ, on her trip to Hawaii.
Before her adventure, Lammily finds herself inundated with media images of super-thin women, weight-loss ads and similarly harmful messages.
She worries that because she doesn't have what the media promotes as an “ideal” body type, she won't succeed or fit in.
So she goes to the beach to unwind.
There, she sees other dolls with all sorts of flaws like stretch marks and scars, and soon, Lammily realizes that being beautiful means being yourself -- no matter who you are.
According to Lamm,
The message of the video is to do you, to be yourself.
The doll maker chose to use dolls instead of real people (or cartoons) as the subject for his short because “doll… standards are funny."
He says,
If we can laugh at the standards in the doll world, maybe it will be easier to laugh at them in the real world.
We think the message Lamm hopes to send is an important one -- especially for young girls -- and we're glad it's resonating so well with so many children.
Check out #DoYou up top.
Citations: This Normal Barbie Video Shows The Pressure Of Unrealistic Beauty Expectations (Buzzfeed)