
#NeverAskAWoman Reveals Ridiculous And Frustrating Things Women Deal With

by Marquaysa Battle
Twitter/Julien L. Balmer

Women took to Twitter to talk about questions people ask them, with little consideration for their bodily autonomy, past tragedies or current traumas.

Of course, there is a small (annoying) population of men on Twitter who used the hashtag to bash women just because it's Thursday. *side eye*

But for the most part, sensitivity class is in session.

Here are a few things women want you to stop asking them forever:

Don't ask about her being pregnant.

Assuming a woman is pregnant just by looking at her is plain rude. Yes, she may think you are calling her fat, but do you know what's worse? You asking about her being pregnant if she's ever lost a child.

Your question may be innocent. But since you don't know her background, just leave it alone.

Don't ask why she's not smiling.

Women don't exist just for the male gaze. Therefore, we aren't obligated to cheese for men at their request.

If we aren't smiling, there could be a number of reasons why. None of them are your business though, so scram.

Don't ask her why she isn't in a relationship.

Asking her if she's in a relationship is one thing, but asking her why she isn't is irritating AF.

The "why" often implies being single is such an undesirable state, there must be this awful reason why she is single.

Maybe she's single because she likes life that way. Or maybe she had a terrible breakup she doesn't want to discuss with you.

It's still not your business, though.

Stop asking about her number. 

No matter what number she replies with, it'll be used against her. If the number is too high, she's considered a slut.

If the number's too low, then she's deemed inexperienced. She's THEN questioned why she hasn't done more.

It's a no-win situation.

Don't worry about what's on her plate.

It's her plate.

Stop asking about her cycle.

Questions about a woman's cycle are usually asked in order to dismiss valid emotions she's expressing.

Writing off her frustration, sadness, anger or anxiety as a simple product of her PMS is just another way to silence her.

Women's voices matter, period on or not.

The "Where's your man?" logic is old and boring, too.

Believe it or not, there are plenty of women who are quite content and capable of being alone. Her sitting alone at a restaurant is not an invitation.

Let her enjoy her meal, please.

Don't ask about her weave.

This is a question black women are more often approached with, as if women of other races are not prone to wearing weaves too.

It's a symptom of misogynoir – the combination of misogyny and racism black women experience uniquely – and it's incredibly invasive.

Weave or not, it's her hair and her prerogative.

Sexist questions that double as pick-up lines also have to go.

Asking a woman for her name, number and whether or not she'd like you to take her out is just fine.

Stop asking why she identifies as a woman.

This is a struggle that's likely unique to trans women who do not – and SHOULD NOT – have to explain their gender identity reasoning to anyone.

Bottom line: There's a difference between talking to a woman in order to genuinely get to know her and asking her questions lined with misogyny, transphobia and racism.

And we always know the difference.