
Hobby Lobby Won't Pay For Birth Control, But It Will Cover Viagra And Vasectomies

by Katie Gonzalez

Although men do make half the baby, it's no secret that women still largely bare the burden of contraception.

But still, modern advancements — in addition to tried and true condom usage — have helped men share in the responsibility of reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

With Monday's Supreme Court Hobby Lobby ruling, however — which allows privately-owned for-profit corporations to disregard the contraception mandate of the Affordable Care Act with no legal or financial penalties — birth control options as part of employer-offered health coverage plans just became fewer.

Although Hobby Lobby and others now claim that they won't allow four types of birth control because they conflict with their religious beliefs, it turns out Hobby Lobby is still offering plenty of medical benefits to men as part of the company's insurance coverage.

Hobby Lobby may no longer allow its female employees to pay for IUDs and Plan B pills with their health insurance, but men are more than able to pay for Viagra and their vasectomy procedures with Hobby Lobby's current insurance offerings.

If Hobby Lobby believes that IUDs, which actually prevent pregnancy in the first place, cause abortion, it's interesting (and suspiciously convenient) that they don't similarly hold that vasectomies don't interfere with the creation of life as God intended.

This revelation has also brought into question that the five all-male Supreme Court justices who comprised the majority opinion in Hobby Lobby's favor might have ruled differently if it were their own reproductive rights and medical procedure payment options at stake.

via Huffington Post, Photo Credit: Getty Images