Girl Power! 5 Ways To Make The Statement 'Like A Girl' Move From Weak To Powerful
A few hundred years ago (or less), one could have simply said that men primarily ran the world. Men spearheaded governments, societies and agencies all over the world and were, in general, remarkably more powerful than women.
Our world progressed and the tables quite turned. Women gained power and became prominent in areas outside of the household. Time flew fast and a whole new generation of people came to exist.
Now, women share the same amount of power as men. They can now lead and spearhead a large group of people or even an entire country — a thought that may have caused a good laugh for Napoleon Bonaparte and his friends.
However, even though some remarkable women's triumphs became well known around the world, some people still belittle women and girls and regard them to be little, weak and fragile.
If ever someone told a guy that he throws, runs, works or acts like a girl, I bet you would assume him to be weak, slow and no stranger to screwing up. Well, you have it wrong, my friend.
Girls are the exact opposite of weak, slow and small.
As a girl, I believe we should work to show people that girls are as powerful and strong as anyone might be; that being "like a girl" is one of the best you can be.
Here are some things a girl like you can do to make a great and positive difference:
Be The Best Of Who And What You Are
Life? Work? School? Yes! Be the best version of yourself and let it perpetuate all of the work that you do.
Nothing needs to be perfect, but should represent great workmanship from a girl, like you. Whether it is acing your exams, owning a business presentation or even running a marathon, name it, then do it.
Your passion for being the best girl you can be will make you feel great and people will notice.
Being the best does not mean you have to beat and outsmart other people. Instead, it means feeling accomplished and happy about the work you have done, no matter how hard it took you to make it to where you are.
You faced the same deal as other people and that means you made it!
Being the best does not always mean staying on top and above everyone else. Sometimes, it simply means that you feel content with your achievements.
Turn Your Weakness Into Strength
It may be hard at first, but YOU are the only one who can make it for yourself. Your weaknesses may lead you to think poorly of yourself; however, you can take advantage of it and turn it into a strength. Work to see the brighter side of every situation.
Weaknesses are the best things to turn into strengths. Not only will doing so turn you into a better person, but it will also surprise other people who said you couldn't do it.
If you can turn your weaknesses into strengths, then there is nothing you cannot do — even as a girl.
Let Go Of Fears
If you fear you will not succeed, then you are already starting to fail. Fear is one of the biggest blocks that may be precluding your success. Your doubts surely double the strength these blocks carry, making it even harder for you to succeed.
Mind you, no one succeeds when the only thing to do is to fear what is not even close to happening.
If you think you cannot make it because you are a girl in a world where there are a lot of men who are better than you, then you are simply wrong and not thinking highly of yourself.
If you chose not to do something because you were too engulfed by your fears, then you are not the girl the world thinks you might be: a girl who can make a difference.
Get up! Have the courage to explore the life and opportunities that this great big world can offer. You are very versatile and can actually do and be anything and anyone you want.
You only need the courage to throw away your fears and follow your heart.
Prove Them Wrong
Girls are weak: WRONG!
Girls do not have what it takes: WRONG!
The best way to prove someone wrong is to be exactly what a naysayer said you couldn't be. You can even be better than the person he or she said you couldn't be.
Many times, we are judged on how we look, physically. Although we may feel fragile, weak and vulnerable, through other people's eyes, we are nothing of the sort. We own brave hearts that even the strongest tornado couldn't shatter.
Be Proud!
Who can be more proud to be a woman than women?
The very best thing to do is to embrace being a girl. Be proud of it! Who else can wear killer heels (which hurt SO badly) better than we do? We are so much better in so many different ways, which is where we should set our eyes — what we are great at, not what we are not.
We should never be ashamed to act "like a girl" because we ARE girls, which is a gift we should treasure. When other people see that we are proud and that we enjoy our identities, they will cease to look down upon it, too.
We should love and embrace womanhood.
Once we collectively believe that we can make a difference, everyone else will, too.
Photo Courtesy: We Heart It