6 Steps Anyone Can Pull Off To Get Voluminous, Curly Hair
A few months ago I came across a makeup Instagram account. They had posted this amazing tutorial on how to take hair from drab to fab -- curly edition. However, the video was a total of 10 seconds long, and it didn't give any necessary details on how to achieve the look. Thus, I took it upon myself to become the guinea pig, and let me tell you, I actually figured it out.
After mastering this technique, there was no debate; I have to pass it along to other women who are looking to rock big curly hair who don't naturally have it.
This is what it turns out looking like (on the right): https://instagram.com/p/BHaCTsjg511/embed/
These are the items you will need to achieve this look: 1. A fine toothed comb 2. Smoothing serum 3. The thinnest curling iron you have literally ever seen (I actually purchased one on Amazon for this sole purpose: Hot Tools HT1138 Micro Mini Professional Curling Iron with Multi Heat Control, 3/8 Inches 4. Hairspray
Step 1
First off, I recommend that your hair has not been washed in at least one day. Hair that is “dirty” has more oil. This in turn allows for the hair to hold a curl tighter and longer than clean hair. Ensure your hair has enough oil to sustain the look, without of course looking like you could fry chicken with that grease. Begin to brush out all of your hair so it is free of all knots and tangles.
Step 2
I always section out my hair. Start by leaving about 1/4 of your hair out of a clip or pony tail. This should be the hair closest to the nape of your neck. Move from the bottom of your head to the top of your scalp in each section. Depending on how thick and full your hair is, you may need to part your hair in more than four sections.
Step 3
Take small pieces of your hair and wrap them around the curling iron (which should be hot at this point). The smaller the pieces of hair, the smaller and tighter the curls will be.
Hot Tools HT1138 Micro Mini Professional Curling Iron with Multi Heat Control, 3/8 Inches, $31, Amazon
To achieve a full head of big fabulous hair, I would recommend doing the smallest section of hair you can. Don't do strands though; you'd be at it for years. Continue to curl pieces of hair until you have finished with section one. Repeat on sections two, three and four. Make sure to get as close to the root as possible to ensure you have volume at the top of your head as well.
Step 4
By now, you should have curls EVERYWHERE! Take a small dollop (about the size of a dime) of smoothing serum and evenly distribute throughout your hair to calm the craziness.
Step 5
Here comes the fun part. This is where you can choose how crazy and big you want your hair to be. Take the fine tooth comb and begin to break apart your curls.
I don't recommend combing them as if you were combing all of your hair out, but I would rather take the top of the comb and break each curl into at least three sections. However, it is your choice.
If you prefer to keep the curls tight, you may break the curl once into two sections. If you're like me, I totally mess all my hair up to give it as much volume as possible. Depending on how much volume you like at the root, you can tease and/or backcomb your hair to give it a little extra oomph.
Step 6
Hairspray! Spray a bit of hairspray at least 6 inches away from the hair. You want the hair to look somewhat natural. Spraying too close to the hair and scalp may cause the hair to look dry, plastered and rigid.
And there you have it: You are now rocking sassy and full curly hair. Go forth and hair flip!