48 Things That Will Make Any Girl On The Face Of Planet Earth 'Almost Die' Right Now
There are many things that can make a girl literally die on a daily basis. Sure, this inherently sounds contradictory, but sadly, it is the world we are living in.
Before we move on, it is in your best interest to watch this video that accurately depicts conversations between two females who can't even right now.
Get it? Got it? Good.
As you can see, there are tons of things that make females stop dead in their tracks, thus making us think we are literally dying on the reg. Weird? Yes. Typical Behavior? Definitely.
So, what are those things that cause us to feel this way? Well, they look a little something like this:
1. Having to wash your hair after a good hair day
2. When your ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend is annoyingly a solid 9
3. The fact that it's 2014 and Dunkin' Donuts refuses to buy soy milk
4. Ryan Gosling with his shirt off
5. Jay Z and Beyoncé's impending divorce
6. The fact that summer is almost over
7. Realizing you don't need to go to the gym because there are apps to thin you out
8. The fact that pumpkin spice lattes are coming back early
9. An unbooked SoulCycle class
10. Finding something good at LF during their one sale of the season
11. Getting caught touching up your makeup at Sephora when you aren't buying anything
12. Getting 20 new followers on Instagram in one day
13. The fact that Farrah Abraham makes $544,000 stripping and you can't afford your rent
14. The realization that no matter how hard you try, the Kardashians will be more successful than you
15. When the barista at Starbucks f*cks up your order
16. Looking like an oompa loompa after getting a spray tan that you purchased on Groupon
17. When your waxer unintentionally removes half of your eyebrow
18. Getting your period while wearing your favorite pair of white jeans
19. When you finally find the time to get a manicure only to screw it up the second you get home
20. The fact that you dropped over $200 on a new outfit only to show up to a pregame where your best friend is wearing the exact same thing
21. Showing up to an appointment on time only to be forced to sit and wait for another two hours
I will never understand why you make an apt at the doctor for 9:00 and still are sitting in the waiting room at 10:11 am. #bullshit — Heather Kraft (@Heather_Kraft) August 22, 2014
22. Showing up on time to a group dinner only to sit alone at the table for 30 minutes until your friends arrive
23. Pregaming too hard and having to go home early
24. Not being let in the club because you're "too drunk"
25. Being forced to attend a family gathering when you're hungover
26. Not being sure whether or not you actually had sex with that guy from the bar last night
27. Walk. Of. Shaming.
28. Running into someone you know while walk of shaming
29. Buying a ticket for a concert in advance only to find a Gilt special two months later for half the price
30. Getting a text that reads "K."
31. Having to make the first move
32. Not having enough money in your bank account to food shop or buy lunch
33. When your friend won't listen to the advice you're giving her and you know you are 100 percent right
34. People who post 120-second Snapchat stories
35. When people upload back-to-back photos on Instagram
36. Whenever someone is blatantly doing something for attention
37. Scrolling down your news feed and only seeing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge videos
38. People who post their political views on Facebook
39. Any and every time someone announces an engagement
40. When everyone around you is getting hit on
My Friends Constantly Get Hit On While I Awkwardly Sip My Drink: An Autobiography. — Hungover Barbie (@Hangover_Barbie) August 20, 2014
41. When your waxing schedule isn't aligned with your sex life
42. Having to pass on a group outing because you're broke
43. When you are already running late and can't decide on an outfit
44. The bag you have been waiting to go on sale is still $100 more than you can afford
45. When people abbreviate unnecessary words
46. FOMO
47. Perf
48. Totes
And, I'm dead...
Top Photo Courtesy: Tumblr