
People Are Revealing What It's Like Being Fat In A World Of Body-Shamers

by Kaylin Pound

Over the past year, the body positive movement has been getting a lot of attention thanks to a variety of fearless advocates like Ashley Graham and Iskra Lawrence.

But no matter how many people join in on the push toward total body acceptance, there's always going to be some haters out there who are determined to bring other people down.

At some point, I think it's safe to say we've all felt self-conscious about our appearances. But you know what's even worse than feeling uncomfortable in your own skin? Having some asshole make fun of you simply because of the way you look.

We recently came across a trend on Twitter called #FatSideStories, in which overweight people reveal all of the poignant ways they are treated differently than other people.

These eyeopening accounts include everything from being dubbed as undatable and disgusting from people passing by to having your weight make you a major target for cruel jokes and pranks.

Before you start reading these heartbreaking tweets, you might want to grab a box of tissues because these stories will make you cry harder than watching "The Notebook" right after a bad breakup.

If one thing is for sure, #FatSideStories proves that body shaming is extremely hurtful and should be stopped immediately. Because, let's be real, we should all love ourselves for who we really are, not just what we look like.

Take a look at the pictures below to see some of these #FatSideStories on Twitter.

Your weight doesn't determine your worth.

There's my father telling me outright that no one will ever love me unless I lose weight. #FatSideStories — Mean fat girl (@Artists_Ali) August 9, 2016

Fat and ugly are NOT synonymous.

Being told "You're not fat, you're beautiful" as though those things are mutually exclusive. #FatSideStories — Payton Quinn (@PaytonQuinn) August 9, 2016

Oh, yeah? Well, maybe you could be cute if you weren't such an asshole.

Oh, we're sharing stories about dating/relationships while fat? "You could be so cute if you just lost some weight" x 1000. #FatSideStories — Louis Peitzman (@LouisPeitzman) August 10, 2016

Being skinny doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy.

People dont care about your health b/c when you lose weight, they say "you LOOK good" and not "you're so healthy now" #FatSideStories — Azula (@Casius_) August 10, 2016

You shouldn't have to feel ashamed of eating.

Being terrified to eat in front of anyone in public at meal times #FatSideStories — ambs (@ptxnotonfire) August 10, 2016

Now, that's just plain old rude.

When skinny girls post pics of big girls with boyfriends and go "But I can't get a text back". #FatSideStories — // Venny // (@DarthVenn) August 10, 2016

No wonder so many people are afraid to go to the gym.

Taking pictures of the fat person minding their business at the gym to make fun of them #FatSideStories — Team Mystic Thot (@SourceDuMal) August 9, 2016

Being overweight doesn't give someone the right to mess with your feelings.

Never being able to shake the feeling that when people show romantic interest they're just doing it as a cruel joke #fatsidestories — Melisa (@lonerblvd) August 10, 2016

Your size shouldn't dictate how people treat you.

Literally feeling invisible and grotesque next to my thin friends and then having them deny that I'm treated differently. #FatSideStories — Mean fat girl (@Artists_Ali) August 9, 2016

This is straight up bullshit.

Losing 35 lbs because of an eating disorder and being told by doctors to continue doing such a great job #fatsidestories — ~ c a t j a ~ (@KILLERCATja) August 11, 2016

You shouldn't be ashamed to wear what you want.

Having people look at you as if you're an alien for having a crop top & shorts on in 90° weather. #FatSideStories — #Hushard (@SheAintCuteDoe) August 11, 2016

Losing weight isn't always as easy as it seems.

People always telling you to lose weight like you haven't been trying since the 7th fucking grade. #FatSideStories — #Hushard (@SheAintCuteDoe) August 11, 2016

Maybe you should mind your own business.

When someone asks if you're going to eat "that much" but ignores the skinny guy eating twice as much plus dessert. #FatSideStories — Tylerr (@mrbananacheeks) August 11, 2016

You shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Wondering if you will ever be able to make a first impression that has nothing to do with you being fat. #fatsidestories — CKukreja (@moonlight7788) August 11, 2016

This dude would be lucky to have any girl like him.

#whyimsingle #fatsidestories — Some Girl Named Liz (@ShowMeYourDisc) August 11, 2016

Screw all the body shamers out there. It's time for a change.

My #fatsidestories are much less about what other people have said and much more about what I've internalized and now I say to myself. — [work in progress] (@colocha_rachel) August 11, 2016

Citations: People Are Sharing #FatSideStories to Show What It's Really Like to Be Fat (Cosmopolitan)