6 Reasons Exercising Outside Will Help You Get Fit So Much Faster
Spring is full of endless sunny days and weather that's just warm enough to work up a sweat outdoors without feeling like you're going to suffer from a heat stroke.
Not only does it feel great to work out outside, but there are also tons of other health benefits.
Here's why you should take your workout outside for the next few months:
1. We work harder.
When we work out indoors, we set our own pace, and we only work out for a limited amount of time.
However, according to one study, people who took their work out outdoors did at least 30 minutes more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week than those who only did it inside.
This allows you to burn more calories throughout the week, which leads to weight loss and muscle building.
The participants who exercised outdoors also reported feeling healthier overall.
By allowing our body to experience various terrains, hills and locations, this strengthens our muscles and joints, causing them to be less susceptible to injuries and keeping them in top-notch shape.
2. Being outside lowers depression.
According to a recent study, people who frequented the park had lower rates of depression and high blood pressure and were more social, compared to those who visited green spaces less frequently.
Being outdoors and interacting with nature can be calming for a lot of people, and exercising in a park could benefit you in more ways than one.
3. It could prevent cancer.
According to the Department of Environmental Conservation, when we breathe in fresh air, we breathe in phytoncides, airborne chemicals that plants give off to protect themselves from insects.
Phytoncides have antibacterial and antifungal qualities that help plants fight disease.
When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number of white blood cells in our bodies.
These white blood cells kill tumor and virus infected cells.
So, just being outside and simply breathing for a few minutes each day can help protect ourselves against cancer.
4. Nature helps us focus.
Throughout the day, we often have a million things going on that need our attention. Focusing on any one task can be difficult.
However, spending time in nature allows our mind to wander, as we explore plants, water, birds, trees and wildlife.
Doing this allows us to give the cognitive portion of our brain a break, allowing us to focus better when we need to, and it also helps renew our patience.
5. It saves us money.
Spending time outside is free.
All we need is a good pair of shoes, and we're ready to go.
Step outside your door and go for a run. Head to the nearest park and go for a walk.
Why use precious gas money and drive to an expensive gym just to work out on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike?
Save money by utilizing the great outdoors as your gym. That way, you won't convince yourself working out can't fit into your budget.
6. It's more fun.
Once we take our workout outdoors, the possibilities are endless!
We can go running, road biking, golfing, hiking, mountain biking, swimming and more.
Soaking up beautiful views and refreshing air simply isn't possible when you're cooped up inside of a gym.
Not only that, but working out outside is both mentally and physically challenging. So, it utilizes both your mind and body, the ultimate type of workout.
So whether we're biking, running or taking that workout video to the park, the benefits are astounding.
Utilize the best resource we all have access to: nature. Soak up some Vitamin D to feel happier, healthier and more focused.
What more could we ask for? I don't know about you, but I'm going to be spending less time inside and more time outside this season.