5 Ways To Stop Yourself From Binging At Every Wedding-Planning Brunch
On average, 4.3 pounds is what you can either gain or lose in a month, depending on your weekends.
In our Wedding Program from the Nutrition Plan, we talk about how weekends are your time to shine. We first made the Wedding Program when Katrina was getting married. She was planning her entire wedding and creating this incredible step-by-step guide on how to get fit and ready for the big day.
Now that I'm getting married this summer, we decided to revamp our guide.
Part of being a bride or in the bridal party means a lot of get-togethers and brunches to plan the wedding details or meet with the family. Mimosas, pancakes and waffles all sound INCREDIBLE, but a few weekends in a row of this will start to derail all of your hard work to get wedding ready.
Below, we've shared some of our tips on keeping your weekend brunching light and fun, while still sweating for the wedding:
1. Work out before.
Nothing is better than getting a good sweat sesh in before you brunch it up. We like to do at least an hour workout before hitting the restaurant. Not only does it wake you up and increase your metabolism, but it also gives you more energy for the rest of the day.
We love going on a run or heading to a yoga, a cycling class or a boxing class. Just make sure whatever you do, it gets your heart rate up and your body sweating.
Oh, and make sure you shower off before brunch! Maybe even throw on a face mask for 10 minutes for an extra glow.
2. Fill up on H2O.
Prevent muscle soreness, keep your skin looking beautiful and ward off fatigue, all with your water bottle. We know you've heard this tip before, but that's because it really works.
Many of us are chronically dehydrated, which can cause setbacks in our fitness goals. A good rule of thumb is to drink 8 ounces of water every 30 minutes of working out. Proper hydration will also keep you from munching on the wrong things come brunch time.
3. The right brunch spot makes all the difference.
A little research goes a long way. The day before your brunching festivities, look for a place near your workout location that also has healthy breakfast options. We've seen some incredible brunch places lately that have options like braised kale frittata, avocado toast with pickled veggies and quinoa oatmeal bowls.
If you can't find a healthy restaurant, make the best with what you have. Order egg whites with veggies and whole wheat toast or a side of fruit and avocado. It's your body and your health, so don't be afraid to ask for what you want.
4. Kombucha mimosa for the win.
BYOB. Slip a kombucha bottle in your purse for later and splash a bit of orange juice in for a healthy mimosa. Hydrating with good bacteria and only 30 calories per 8-ounce serving, kombucha is definitely a winning option to swap out your regular Champagne with.
Plus, it has a slight alcoholic taste and some fizzy, Champagne-esque bubbles. Bring your own plain or ginger-flavored kombucha, and then order a small orange juice and Champagne glass. Fill about three-fourths of the glass with kombucha, and then add a splash of OJ.
5. Just keep moving.
Just because your workout is over doesn't mean you should stop moving. After brunch, go on a casual stroll with your friends or family. Take some time to talk about the exciting details of your upcoming wedding.
You can also stop and take a stretch break. Roll your shoulders and neck, stretch out your hamstrings and quads and maybe even throw in a few side bends. This will help decrease soreness from your earlier workout because honestly, who has time to be sore when you're planning a wedding?
You can slim down for your wedding and still be a brunchin' babe! Just make sure to follow our tips above. Also, don't forget to check out our Wedding Program of the Nutrition Plan for a full three-month guide on getting ready for your wedding.