7 At-Home Remedies To Ease Your Headache That You Never Would Have Thought Of
Your head is pounding, and you can barely think, let alone open your eyes.
The pain almost feels nonsensical -- there's no real reason for your temples to be throbbing like this, yet here you are.
The unfortunate truth is, 18 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Though the pain is enough to make you want to run to the medicine cabinet and pop some pills, there are a few other ways to ease that discomfort.
A simple home remedy can truly work wonders. Here are seven to try out the next time your temples seem to have their own heartbeat.
1. Minimize Light
The lighter the room, the more tension-filled the headache.
Try to close all the blinds, drop down the curtains, turn off all the lights, and maybe even go as far as donning an eye mask to block out light and allow so your headache can subside.
The darker the room, the better you'll feel.
2. Try Deep Breathing Exercises
There's a reason why meditation is a thing.
I don't know if you've noticed, but everything circles back to deep inhales and exhales.
That's because breathing increases blood flow, and increased blood flow leaves you feeling super calm, as your body savors the oxygen it needs.
3. Take A Shower
Other than just the straight-up amazing feeling, a hot shower actually has healing properties.
The moist heat from the steam warms the tissues of the body quicker than dry heat, because water transfers heat faster than air, according to Migraine.com.
Let the water run down and soothe your aching temples.
4. Try A Warm Compress
Apply a heating pad to the back of your neck, temples, or directly to your forehead.
A warm compress of any kind can work, whether it be a hot rag, water bottle, or even a heated corn sack.
Anything with heat works because it increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, widens/dilates blood vessels, reduces muscles spasms, and changes the body's reaction to pain.
Damn. And I bet you just thought heat simply keeps you warm, huh?
5. Get A Massage
Recruit a loved one, and put him or her to good use.
Massages can increase blood flow and undo clenched muscles, thus relieving tension and allowing muscles to receive the oxygen-rich blood they need to heal.
If your significant other, little sister, or even your mom is moaning and groaning about giving you that massage, convince them that a good five minutes won't hurt.
Once the time is up, gently suggest five more minutes. Trust me. Works every time.
6. Use Lavender Oil
Yes ma'am, oil has so many uses.
You can either inhale it, or apply it directly to where you feel the pain.
To inhale lavender oil as a vapor, boil two to three cups of water, and apply two to four drops of the oil.
This can work as an anti-inflammatory, it dilates blood vessels, regulates serotonin levels, decreases stress and anxiety, and it can help you sleep.
So, it's safe to say lavender oil needs to find its way into your medicine cabinet ASAP.
7. Eat Watermelon
Oftentimes, headaches are caused by dehydration, so it would behoove you to eat foods high in water content.
Watermelon has a whopping 92 percent water content level. Not only that, but this refreshing fruit is also high in magnesium, which aids in muscle relaxation.
If you blend this fruit up into a juice-like consistency, feel free to add some ginger to the mix, which helps with nausea that may accompany your headaches.
Before you know it, you've got yourself your own magical, homemade potion.