20 Sports Quotes To Help You Through The Valentine's Day Struggle
Until recently, I didn't think much of Valentine's Day.
Actually, that's a lie. For most of my life, Valentine's Day served as a painful, annual reminder of the fact I'd be single and alone forever. But last February, for the first time in my life, I got to spend Valentine's Day with a woman I care for more than I ever thought I'd care for anyone.
This showed me Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a slap in the face.
If you want to find someone to share your life with, then you have to look inside and figure yourself out first. Love usually doesn't come knocking at your door -- you have take the initiative and not be afraid to fail.
Of course, this is easier said than done, but hopefully these 20 sports quotes will show you the true key to a romantic victory starts within.
We've all experienced rejection.
A number is only a number.
You can't sit on the sidelines and expect love to find you.
Often times, we end up psyching ourselves out of an opportunity.
Few get it right on their first try.
If you never stop playing the game, you can't lose.
No matter how tough it gets, just keep going.
Sometimes, you have to take a second chance.
Love isn't just for tall, beautiful people.
Make sure the ball's always in your court.
The real pleasure is in the pursuit of love.
Worrying about the unknown will cripple you.
Don't place ceilings on your capabilities to be a great lover.
If you do everything you can, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Focus on the positive, not the negative.
We all make errors. It's what we do after that matters.
You can only control what you can control.
Never take the chance to go out and find love for granted.
Don't make excuses for your failures.
Never stop fighting for what you want.
Citations: 100 Most Inspirational Sports Quotes Of All Time (Keep Inspiring Me)