Sending NSFW Text Doodles With iOS 10 Is The Latest Way To Troll Your Friends
Forget about texting — we're better than that now.
With the new iOS 10 update for iPhones, we're able to send our friends and family doodles to express how we're feeling far more than words ever could.
But, like always, people have proven the reasons why we can't have nice things.
They're doing so by using the new feature to send NSFW doodles to their friends, and it's just WRONG.
A recent photo uploaded to Imgur is the perfect example of someone completely trolling a friend using the text doodle — and it's really fucking gross.
Be warned.
I'm sorry — I, uh... I don't have words for these drawings.
Apparently, this user isn't the only one who has been sending their friends messed-up doodles, and people have been bragging about it on Twitter.
This guy's quite the artist, huh?
Some people aren't as creative as these fellas and opted for planning their doodle demise, instead.
iOS 10 got me spamming my bestfriend with gifs and doodles while she's in school — Rainee♡ (@itsjustrainee) September 9, 2016
Errr, let's not get too obscene. No one wants to open a surprise "dick doodle" at work.
Keep it classy, my friends, and happy doodling.