
Science Says Our Taste In TV Shows Can Make Or Break A Relationship

by Candice Jalili

I love TV, like, a lot.

TV helped shape my life narrative. I like neurotic, funny boys because Seth Cohen was my first real crush. I'm a sex and dating writer because I watched "Sex and the City." I had to go take a picture on the steps of The Met the other night because I religiously watched "Gossip Girl."

You get the picture. It matters.

My best friend hates TV. She never watches it, and to be honest, I don't understand how we've maintained our relationship for so long. It's 50 percent of what I think about, and I regularly find myself comparing literally every sort of real-life scenario thrown my way to some sort of TV scene.

One time, I didn't go on a second date with a guy because he told me he thought the "The Big Bang Theory" was "hilarious." Don't get me wrong; I like "The Big Bang Theory" if I want something comforting and nice to fall asleep to. But is it my go-to show for some hilarious entertainment? No. And someone who truly thinks that show is hilarious obviously is a fundamentally different person than I am.

Well, before you go judging me for being an obsessive freakazoid, let me just drop some knowledge on you fools. It turns out, I'M NOT ALONE.

According to a study just released by Propeller Insights and Xfinity (a survey on 1,935 US residents aged 25 to 49), almost 30 percent of single Millennials have chosen not to date someone based on their TV viewing preferences.

Don't worry; people in relationships are nuts about TV watching, too. So much so, 66 percent of couples say watching TV together has strengthened their relationship. That's no joke, you guys. Well over half of us are using TV as a means to strengthen our relationships.

Propeller Insights & Xfinity

I guess all that Netflix and chilling wasn't such a waste of your time after all.

Citations: 30 Percent of Millennials Won't Date Someone Over TV Tastes, Study Finds (Exclusive) (The Wrap)