
Drop Everything, This Couple Is Raffling Off Their Island Resort For A Mere $49

by Kate Ryan

Ever felt like dropping everything to move to a remote island oasis and shred the gnar all day? Now's your chance, brah.

For the cost of a trip to the movies, you'll get the chance to win a remote volcanic island in the Western Pacific. Not a bad swap, right? Currently owned by Doug and Sally Beitz, the Kosrae Nautilus Resort in Micronesia comes with a debt-free, profitable business, 16 long-term employees, $10,000 in the business bank account, eight different motor vehicles, 2 boats -- oh, and a private freaking island.

Doug Beitz, who also manages the resort, says of their decision to auction off their slice of paradise,

Rather than sell this precious oasis to the highest bidder, we thought it would be amazing for our resort to be placed in the hands of someone who truly fell in love with it – to make someone's dream come true. We've felt so privileged to act as stewards of this tropical paradise for 15 years, and since we like to do things differently – we once raised over $45,000 through crowdfunding to have solar panels installed in the resort – we realized a raffle would be an exciting and world-first way to pass on the resort's ownership.

Watch the video above for a full preview of what heaven looks like. Then head here to enter the raffle. Depending on which package you buy, you also get a few tropical photographs as an added bonus.

Citations: This Australian Couple is Raffling Off Their Tropical Island Resort in Micronesia for $49 (The Inertia)