These Are The Bro Code Rules Guys Actually Follow, According To Men
Gather 'round, ye bros. For it hath become timeth to refresh thyselves with the lessons of the sacred tome of Bro.
As Jesus cameth down from the house of frat, his eyes looked around at the brethren before him, all pious in their ways and beereth with their pong. They hath taketh upon themselves a subscription to live their lives in line witheth the Code of Bro, or the Bro Code. And it was good.
Of course, that's the part in the New Testament before the last supper when things were still cool between Jesus and his bros, right before the Judas thing happened. (Judas, by the way, I think we can all admit was a major dick.)
Things were good between Jesus and his bros because they all respected each other and lived by a moral code known as the Bro Code: a set of morals created because dudes aren't going to call out other dudes on every little thing. They're morals like how if you're not the one tipping the delivery guy, you don't get to eat the last slice of pizza -- simple stuff.
Just like the Bible, the US Constitution and the series arch of “Law and Order,” the Bro Code is a living, breathing thing tasked with the challenge of keeping up with modern times.
That is why a holy group of Reddit bros got together to try and solidify the code, so bros present and future can live their lives in the most moral way possible.
Bro Commandment #1
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bro Commandment #2
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bro Commandment #3
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bro Commandment #4
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bro Commandment #5
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bro Commandment #6
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bro Commandment #7
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bro Commandment #8
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bro Commandment #9
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bro Commandment #10
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Bonus 50 Bro Commandments
Comment from discussion Males of Reddit, if "The Bro Code" was an official document, what would you like to see included?.
Go forth, my bros.