
'Naked Chef' Goes Viral For His Absurdly Large Bulge, Not His Chia Pudding


Guys, suddenly, chia pudding has become my favorite dessert.

I love it so much, I even decided to watch a YouTube video about how to make it.

Franco Noriega – a 27-year-old "naked chef" – was super helpful in teaching me each and every step of creating the perfect bowl. And boy, did it look tasty.

His dessert looked so perfect and so beautiful. I SWEAR I'M TALKING ABOUT THE PUDDING.

OK, you caught me: I'm definitely not talking about the pudding. I'm talking about Noriega's absurdly large bulge. It shows through his boxers during the entire video.

According to MailOnline, he was voted the world's sexiest chef... and I can definitely see why.

In his latest YouTube tutorial, he taught his audience how to make chia pudding, and the footage went viral for a reason other than his recipe.

His bulge is mostly to blame, but I'm definitely not complaining. Even though I couldn't understand a damn word he was saying, I can confidently say this is the best recipe video I've ever laid eyes on.

The tutorial begins as he sits in front of the camera.

At this point, I've completely forgotten about the pudding.


Apparently, Noriega prompts his audience by saying,

First of all, we are going to put two spoonfuls of almond butter, a cup of almond milk, three spoonfuls of sugar, a bit of cinnamon and a piece of coconut and mix it in with the beater.

OK. Let's begin.

Ugh, he's so great at scooping that almond butter.


Can't forget the milk. What are we making again?




I give up.


Can't forget the coco-NUT.


What is chia pudding? I honestly don't remember.


Oh! There it is.


I'm never going to look at chia pudding the same way ever again.

MailOnline has reported that Noriega moved to New York to become an actor in 2007, and has since opened his own Peruvian restaurant called Baby Brasa.

According to Google Maps, it's only a 15-minute train ride from work. I guess I'm going to give Peruvian food a try in the near future...