
This Woman Had The Most Hilarious Response To The 'Motherhood Challenge'

by Kate Ryan

If you haven't heard about the "Motherhood Challenge" on Facebook, consider yourself lucky.

It's a photo challenge in which obnoxious moms have to limit themselves to posting only three pictures if they're nominated to boast about their "precious" children.

...Because we're not already exhausted by the plethora of baby pics flooding our Facebook News Feeds.

If it's not Michael Fassbender or a puppy, I don't need to see it, OK?

Luckily, comedian Ellie Taylor decided to flip the script on the trend by posting five pictures of her child-free life, calling it the "Non-Motherhood Challenge."

All five photos are variations of her passed out with a bottle of wine, which basically sums up why it's clutch to have a barren womb.

Non-Motherhood Challenge: I was nominated by myself to post five pictures that make me happy to be a non-mother. Such special memories. Posted by Ellie Taylor on Monday, February 1, 2016

Since the post originally went live on Monday, Taylor has received over 100,000 likes. As of Wednesday, people are still digging her non-mom vibes.

So, how about a shoutout for all the child-free ladies out there?

You've all done a good job at not adding to global overpopulation and single-handedly supporting the boxed wine industry.

Brava, my soul sisters. Let's keep fighting the good fight with blissfully long, uninterrupted naps.

Citations: 'Why I'm happy to NOT be a mother': Comedian celebrates the upside of being childless by posting wine and sleeping selfies that sweep the internet (Daily Mail)