Little Boy's Hair Goes Viral Thanks To The Heartwarming Reason He Cut It Off
Ready to cry, everyone?
Thomas Moore, a 10-year-old from Maryland, is restoring our faith in humanity one wig at a time.
This courageous little guy has spent the last two years of his life growing out his hair so he could help kids with cancer.
Look at this. I'M SOBBING.
Thomas's journey began when he watched a video with his mother about a girl named Kyssi Andrews. She had lost all of her hair due to cancer, and he didn't take it lightly.
After realizing what chemotherapy can do to a patient, Thomas made a commitment to grow his hair out so he could give it to the girl from the video.
UGH. What a gem.
Thomas's aunt, 24-year-old Amber Ray, spoke with BuzzFeed News about how long he planned on growing his curly locks -- and her response is sure to make you tear up.
She said Thomas "just wanted it to be long enough to make the girl feel happy."
*Sobbing, again.*
Why can't there be more people in the world like you, Thomas???
It turns out the selfless boy's hair grew so much he was able to make THREE wigs with it.
Not one. Not two. But THREE.
His aunt recently tweeted photos of her nephew, and people are literally losing their shit (in a good way.)
my nephew grew his hair out for two years to donate to kids with cancer pic.twitter.com/YuamNNcMEI — amber lynne (@storkpatrol) September 11, 2016
Look at all that hair!
And the tears start pouring in...
@storkpatrol Please tell your nephew he is a wonderful young man. God bless him. — Wilhelmina Slater (@WilhSlater) September 11, 2016
@storkpatrol what a kid god bless him wish him da best pic.twitter.com/mRL51PJmhf — Seungri Updates (@Ryen_vip) September 12, 2016
Thomas, you are truly the Man of the Year.
Citations: BuzzFeed