11 Things You Loved As A Kid That Are The Absolute Worst Now
If there's one thing pretty much all kids take for granted, it's sleeping.
When you were a child, adults were obsessed with getting you to sleep.
Not only did no one yell at you if you took a nap in the middle of the day, but people actually encouraged it. Your teachers set aside time in the afternoon specifically meant for napping.
Not only that, it was perfectly acceptable to pass out at 8 pm every night. I would kill for that kind of judgment-free 12 hours of sleep.
But again, at the time, I didn't appreciate what I had at all. No, instead I always tried to think of ways to stay up even a little bit past my bedtime because I guess I loved living life or something.
Basically, there are a lot of things that were fun as a kid that just aren't anymore, and staying awake is at the top of that list.
The good people of this AskReddit thread agree and pointed out some other things that aren't quite as enjoyable once you're over 18.
1. Staying up really late is, honestly, more of a punishment than a reward these days.
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2. Snow was a lot more fun when it was Dad's job to shovel the driveway.
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3. Remember the good old days where you could eat total garbage, and your body didn't rebel against you?
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4. Damn that adult guilt that crops up when I'm trying to do nothing!
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5. Ditto that with all the time-wasting activities I used to love.
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6. Now, every birthday is just one year closer to death. Hoooraaaaay!
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7. It's no longer insulting when someone thinks you're younger than you actually are.
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8. Pretending to be an adult is a lot less enjoyable when your life depends on it.
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9. This American cheese thing is so real. How is that stuff even edible?
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10. OK, I don't agree with this one. SpaghettiOs are still the sh*t, yo.
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11. But yeah, this person basically sums up what's not fun anymore when you're all grown up.
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Yay adulthood!